Tuesday, October 03, 2006

On Having Started An Office War: The Four-Point Plan Concerning Premeditated Nuisance

1) When typesetting new Poetry book, upset delicate aesthetic balance of previous designs by using different fonts to what (according to Matt at least) used to be house-style.
2) When making new Poetry book covers, use and forthrightly argue relentlessly and without mirth for a cover n0-one else wants.
3) When succumbing to group consensus, sulk.
4) Having got over oneself, use new cover, decide it's in fact much better, send it to everyone, have everyone say, 'Yes Matt, it's better,' and crawl back into small space between chair and monitor.

I banged my head four times yesterday, on various consistencies of metal or wood, and though this isn't necessarily as important as your caravan or your pesto recipes or the Chateauneuf du Pape you're saving to throw at someone prominent in the publishing industry, it is deserving of the utmost sympathy.

Sympathy is best addressed to 'F.A.O Matt, Leaf,' and is indeed helpful if in cheque or bung form.

I'm not at all keen on the word 'bung' I might add.

Today's super-smashing word is:


which is quite frankly the cultivation or growing of a beard.

This word is derived not only in Greek but in Anatomy. Pogon is beard, whereas pogonion is the foremost point of the midline of the chin.



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