Wednesday, October 11, 2006

All Change. Next Stop...

Without much fanfare or razzamatazz Leaf Books has moved offices this week. The only thing that's changed to the outside world is that we have a new phone number and we'll be able to get our post a little bit quicker.

Sam has a cold, which means she's missed the move. I think we've moved all her stuff. Yeah, I'm sure we did.

Leaf are off to coast tomorrow morning to say hello to the folks at the Welsh Books Council. I haven't been to Aberystwyth in years and I'm determined to have chips on the front. Though this will depend on the weather; nostagia is nice but not worth getting soaked for.

Speaking of Razzamatazz, the new format A5 Leaf Books Poetry Anthology (containing the winning entries to the short poetry competition) has just been sent on CD to the lovely people at the printers. So that should be on sale shortly.

Next stop... Christmas.



Leaf Books said...

Don't eat chips, Gav. Chips are not your friends. And remind the nice people that our postal address hasn't changed. They might be confused and upset.

I want to go to Aber too. I have never been there. But I don't think I can sit in a car for that many hours sniffing obscenely and infecting you all and wishing I had a cup of lemsip. Good luck with Aber. Win lots of funding for us. Fill the WBC with adoration.

I hope you remembered the emergency office poncho.


Anonymous said...

Are you doing a Christmas story/poem competition? Maybe for next year (unless you want to do a very quick one now ;)