Thursday, October 19, 2006

A mostly polite note about free books.

Dear peoples,

Just to be letting you know, anyone who from this point onwards does not specify their free book or books when entering competitions online will not be contacted to discover which book they would actually like. They'll be sent a random one picked by ourselves. This is not because we wish to be mean and undemocratic but more because it makes things sadly confusing when we have to wait for people to get back to us with their selections, and then we forget who's been sent what and when and it's all a bit unhappy. So we're quite sorry about that.

Matt smells massively of Lockets.



Anonymous said...

Don't be sorry, it makes perfect sense. And in many ways a random book is so much more exciting and could make us all broaden our reading horizons.

Leaf Books said...

Thank you, anon. We appreciate your consoling ways.