Monday, November 13, 2006

I would like most of all to be printing (or in New Zealand).

What I'm doing right now is primarily passing time until the printer on the desk behind me ceases to be in use by people who are not me. It's fairly frustrating. Not that I'm begrudging the other printer-user. Well, I am slightly, but I'm aware that my begrudgement is unreasonable and somewhat mean, so mostly that makes it all right. It's sort of intermittently in use. The printer. I keep thinking the coast's more or less clear for me to get cracking on the sizeable-ish printing job I have to do, then it whirrs again into action - as it did just then - and I have to pretend I was just wheeling my spinny chair in its direction for the sheer bally joy of the thing. Oh woe.

Also we're slightly out of envelopes. And we badly need brown paper. The brown paper acquiring mission was set for last Friday, but it sadly failed when the designated vehicle broke down and stranded the operator, who is even now housebound and socially isolated and having to order food over the internet. Goodness knows how people without cars manage to do ANYTHING AT ALL. Possibly that was slightly low. I apologise. I genuinely feel sorry for people whose legs and train timetables have been eaten tragically away by their cars.

On the plus side, the sun has somewhat come out. But the printer is only deceptively silent.



Chris said...

Answer? Get yourself a new printer. :)

Anonymous said...

Chris, I can't make out that picture of you... are you being attacked by a two-fingered alien?


Chris said...

It's a long story, but I'm *supposed* to be fending off an attack from a table-lamp.

Anonymous said...

Were you thinking up new material for Pixar? Instead of table-lamp squishes ball, table-lamp attacks Chris. Did they buy it?

Still looks alien to me.

Perhaps you could base the next competition around this picture.
