Sunday, November 18, 2007

Micro-Fiction competition results.

The 2007 Micro-Fiction Competition Winners are as follows.


‘Imagine Coal’ by Mary Cookson

Runner up

‘Moving House’ by Anne Youngson


‘Toothbrushes’ by Mary Cookson

‘The Writing on the Wall’ by Anne Youngson

‘Fish’ by Una Corbett

‘Ten Past Five’ by Robert Warrington

‘Whisky and Cigarettes’ by Sara Benham

‘The Man and the Pea Ball Chain’ by Frederick Mugford

‘Acquiring Wisdom’ by Suzanne Weichhart

‘Outside the Station’ by Lauren Huxley-Blythe

‘Letter to Bridget’ by Lyn Browne

'Fallen Fruit' by Ken Elkes

'The Alien Prisoner's Dilemma' by Rich Hough

'The Affluence of Incohol' by Jo Horsman

'The Woman Who Starts Accidents' by Jo Horsman

'Memoir 101' by Lockie Hunter

'Love' by Morag Edward

'A Strong Hand' by Sarah Dunnakey

'Spilt Milk' by Ruby Radburn

'Pop-Lockin'' by Marie Gallagher

'Drowning Mother' by Ruth Fay

'A Space of Waste' by Shirley Golden

'Entertaining the Idea' by Shirley Golden

'Illumination' by Shirley Golden

'A Problem Shared' by Helen Pizzey

'Velcro' by Emma Dewhurst

'Nape' by Lorraine Cave

'Pineapple' by Lorraine Cave

'Missing' by Lorraine Cave

'Three Times by Water' by Ailsa Cox

'RIP' by Christine Todd

'Gingerbread Mum' by Anne Shewring


Congratulations to the above and our thanks to all who entered. The anthology will go into production very shortly. Naked Thighs and Cotton Frocks and Other Stories is near completion. All very exciting.



Anonymous said...

I hope 'The Affluence of Incohol' is a new take on the old classic and not plagiarism!

Quillers said...

Well done everyone!

Have the humour competition winners been announced yet? I notice on the new (brilliant!) website that you already have a title for the anthology, and wondered if I'd missed the results.

Leaf Books said...

Hi Sally - the results of the Humour Comp will be announced in the new year. We want to give it the time it needs, and we have a lot of ongoing anthologies to finish off.

Anonymous - classic? Gap in my literary knowledge quite possibly, but I don't know of anything other than the joke from which the title has been taken. We're sure the story's original.

Quillers said...

Thanks for answering my question. I was afraid I'd missed the results. I'll look forward to seeing them in the new year :-)

free online books said...

Letter to Bridget its one of the best fiction which I have read