Saturday, July 28, 2007

Novella submissions: still very much closed.

Apparently there are some websites still reporting that Leaf Books is requesting open submissions of novellas. This is sadly untrue. We had to close novella submissions some weeks back due to an unexpected lack of funding, and we shan't be opening them again. We've had a couple of emails from understandably confused people who've submitted novellas to us and had them returned, and then read the contradictary and enormously incorrect rumours that we're still open to submissions. Now, obviously we're very sorry indeed to disappoint people, but let's make this absolutely clear. We're disappointed as well. We wanted to publish a novella. We most certainly weren't pretending to lack funding purely to clear a backlog of unread manuscripts before finding that the money had magically reappeared. Money, in our experience, simply doesn't do that. We're all writers ourselves and we know how gruelling and unrewarding the submission process can be. We're very sorry to have disappointed you; we would never deliberately make things harder for other writers.

As a rule, we can't really control what other websites and blogs report, though obviously we'll try and gently correct those ones that are reported to us. Please take the information on our official website - the only website that we're capable of editing - as the last word in what we are and are not accepting at present.



Anonymous said...

FYI, on this page:
you claim that you're open to novella submissions....

Leaf Books said...

Thanks for pointing that out - we'll get someone webboddish onto it. And in that case, as an addendum to the main point, front page announcements take precedence over those parts of the site that we've forgotten exist.

Leaf Books said...

There we go - fixed now.

Chris said...

So, you won't be publishing any novellas? Such a pity if that's true...

Leaf Books said...

It *is* true, yes. We shan't be publishing any novellas whatsoever. We're very sorry about it and everything - as we say, we find we simply can't afford to do it.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to announce the winners of the short story comp?!

Leaf Books said...

Er ... we were rather under the impression that we'd done precisely that on October 10th. Maybe you need to press refresh or something?