Friday, April 13, 2007

The Micro Fiction Competition – What’s Happening

There is great curiosity and anticipation with respect to our very popular recent Micro Fiction Competition. People are asking ‘When are the results out?’ ‘Have I won?’ and ‘Is the prize a trip to Las Vegas?’

What I can say for sure is the prize is still £200 and publication. Not Las Vegas, sorry.
Also we are still reading, reading, reading. There were a prolific number of good entries and thus there will be more debating than usual re who is going to get into the anthology. However be assured we are giving the Micro Fiction our full attention and are hoping to announce results soon. Beginning of May we hope. That’s if we haven’t destroyed each other in our whole-hearted attempts to defend our favourite pieces of micro fiction.



Anonymous said...

Here's an idea- forget debating, put all your favourite entries in; you could squeeze in two stories per page quite easily. Or failing that... pick mine, pick mine!


Anonymous said...

But we don't know who you are!

Actually all the entries are anonymous so we don't know has written what until the judging is over and the database is opened to find out everyones' contact details.


Quillers said...

But I've already told everyone I'm going to Vegas...

Thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

Of course you don't know who I am, that's part of my cunning and fiendish plan (eerie echoing laughter).

With my hypnotic powers of subliminal persuasion I shall magically implant my super story into your subconscious minds and you will wake from blissful slumber with my words on your luscious lips (perhaps after you have lip glossed).

If my plan fails... well, I shall just cry... irrepressibly.

I'd quite like to go to Las Vegas; I'm going to tell all my friends too.


Anonymous said...

No! Carry on debating until I win. In the mean time, anonymous can write some more and entertain us.

Anonymous said...

AH-Ha a fan! Look into my eyes, you are growing sleepy... Anonymous must win (wavy arm movements). Anonymous must win (more wavy arms).

What do you mean you can't see... oh... you can't see any arms or my eyes... hmmm... okay, slight technical hitch there then.

Gosh is that the time...



Anonymous said...

How about I look into your words. You could maybe follow that, hmmm whatsisname who manipulates peoples

Anyway, all you have to do is subtlety add your name into sentences, followed by "must win".


Anonymous said...

Gosh Darn it, i can't wait much longer, "...begginning of May...", You've had 9 extra days, i need answers.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's the end of May now. Any movement on the microfiction?

Anonymous said...

Two months now! Can we please get a (more accurate) eta on when you'll have the results out? Thanks!

Leaf Books said...

Oh golly, you're still waiting? The results were announced on the 9th of May.

You can find them hereon our blog and here on the site.

And Derek & Other Short Stories containing the selected entries is currently in production.

