Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

As far as I'm aware, we have none.

Actually that was a massive lie, because now that I'm telling everybody the whole office is chirping up:

- Sam vaguely thinks she'll do more writing this year. And will possibly buy a camel.

- Gav has decided to lose weight and do things with his chest hair, involving the colour pink. Which frankly disturbs me, because Gav is not only hairier than me by far, but also a real man with a beard and things like that.

- Ceci is frightened by the organisation of her handbag. This is to be remedied. Her head-hair is to be dyed, because presumably she doesn't have chest-hair, and is mostly remembering to write 2007 on things.

- Me, which is Matt, had you not already guessed... well. Did you know that it took me twenty minutes of concentrating very tersely to work out why everybody was having a Bond-themed party this new year? Yes. Well. This year I will become a steel magnate, own six airlines, forcibly eject several governments and stop eating Bounties at lunch time, for they are ill-meaning.

Also Leaf Books have slashed the price of all of our titles by half, meaning that - save for the Big Books - all of our titles are now £1.


That even justifies an exclamation mark.

Happy New Year to all then. I hope your resolutions are both brilliant and workable, and that during the festive period did not forget that we've OPENED SUBMISSIONS TO NOVELLAS and have LAUNCHED A SF & FANTASY COMPETITION.

The latter is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me.


Anonymous said...


My resolution was to spread the word of Leaf. I have therefire passed many of your wee small and beautifully turned out books to friends galore

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering: will all future books be of the A5 anthology variety?

Leaf Books said...

Dear Anonymous,

For the foreseeable future - yes, all books currently in the offing are going to be in this A5 anthology format, though if we select a novella for publication from our open submission call, obviously that'll be a standalone title. There are no immediate plans to produce any more A6 books - A5 books are essentially more affordable and, more significantly, enables us to get more writers into print. Things may change in the future, of course, and if they do we shall be sure to let you know.


Anonymous said...

Hi Team,

Is it okay to fold postal entries? Or is this frowned upon?


Leaf Books said...

Absolutely it is. Not into origami, or anything, but certainly to get round the post office's silly schemes. We don't open folded entries and seethe or anything. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay that's good, so no entries in the shape of swans then.

Quite a few competitions ask entrants not to fold sheets, which is bothersome to say the least when there's only one sheet in an A4 envelope; attracting higher postage costs than if it had been folded and sent in a smaller envelope.

Thank you Leafbooks for your unseethingness.


Leaf Books said...

I'm personally more a fan of pirate hats in any case. But no, no swans please. We absolutely understand the frustration at not being able to fold manuscripts as we've to send plenty of things post-wise ourselves.

Anyway: you're quite welcome. We encourage any benign subversions of the Royal Mail.