Thursday, December 14, 2006

A New Post.

Matt tells me I haven't made a blog post in some moons and have so to do, therefore I am. But I embarked on the whole process without anything in the way of a subject in mind, so you're going to have to sit quietly through the vocal exercises and tuning up before the essential meat cometh along.


Things are relatively quiet on the entering competitions front at present, its being close to Christmas and all. They are less quiet on the ordering books front, very likely for the same festive reason. Probably we shall have to get more copies of The Final Theory printed, which we find a hugely exciting prospect. Hugely. No, really. The trouble with hating exclaimation marks, which I pretty much do, is that genuine sentiment ends up looking awfully sarcastic. What I need to do, or you can do it if you've seriously nothing better to be getting on with, is invent a punctuation mark that conveys the same WOOHOOishness at which the exclaimation mark is so adept, but is simultaneously kind of tasteful. I'm just checking the keyboard for a spare one. ~ <-- Does that have any specific purpose? Can we use that? Probably I should bagsy it swiftly.

We're thinking of putting info about us on the website, and photographs. Note DO NOTE that I do not say true info, nor do I say photographs of us, but the issue is being borne seriously in mind. Thank you.

(And we didn't drown that time we went home in the rain. We were smacked fairly offensively in the collective face with handfuls of surprisingly sharp water, but we didn't drown. Go us.)



Anonymous said...

I've a few SF novels where the ~ (which I believe is called a tilda) is used to convey discourse between robots/mech-suits/spaceships.

So, instead of saying something like:

'Hello,' said the intergalaxian Frigate Ship Marigold.

You'd say,

~ Hello, said the same ship but in a much more scientific manner.

I quite like it.

Leaf Books said...

It is a tilda (or possibly a tilde), but I think it's ill-used. Actually, I think it should be used to convey a spoken tone ripe with nausea. Like this:



Anonymous said...

Stilton is brilliant, you massive apostate.

Leaf Books said...

Stilton is demonic, you unmitigated deviant.

Anonymous said...

It's the best. It's better than your face. And mine. If you put all the good faces in the world on a stick, and compared them to stilton, well you'd be in trouble, frankly.

Leaf Books said...

I don't want to flay people in the face simply in order to make a stick full of faces. You're nothing more than a dire retributionist. Hiding behind a wheel of stilton.