Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Look at me, posting away.

Today was tremendously exciting. The Western Mail (a charming and delightful publication) did a one-page spread (can you call it spread if it's only on one page?) about Leaf Books, and pretty dashed comprehensive it was too. So we bought all the copies in the neighbourhood and stroked them and sent them to people. Then, in the afternoon, a bright young chap from the BBC came along to interview Ceci for Radio Wales. 'Good Morning, Wales', to be precise, to be broadcast tomorrow morning at some dire morning hour. We were obliged to hastily summon one of our beloved and much prized authors, Michele Toler, who was brave and dutiful and answered lots of questions. And then, because evidently things weren't quite as absurd as they possibly could've been, another person rang from the BBC and arranged a second, live interview, with one of our eminent directors (Ceci again, who's good at microphones) and a second magnificent author, Shelagh Middlehurst. Also for tomorrow morning. It's all too much.

Today South Wales, tomorrow the world.

1 comment:

Leaf Books said...


- that's good.
