Monday, January 21, 2008

Cardiff Chinese New Year Celebrations

In our capacity as the Mostly Websites website developers (we fit it in between publishing and sitcom-writing and tree surgery or whatever the other one is), we, being almost wholly Ceci, has made a lovely website for the Cardiff Chinese New Year Celebrations. The event is being run by Cardiff Chinese Community Services and is taking place at the Red Dragon Centre (where the daleks live) on Hemingway Road in Cardiff Bay. On Sunday February 10th. From 1.30pm - 3.30pm. 'A unique celebration of Welsh and Chinese culture,' it's going to feature a lion dance, martial arts demonstations, short plays, all manner of stalls and exhibitions and much more besides. Basically, it all sounds very exciting. Pop over to the website to see what precisely will be going on and to, you know, generally marvel at the website.

In other news, we've just started (at long last) putting together the authors' page for the Leaf website. It's going to be a long job, because frankly there are billions of you, or two-hundred at the very least, but yes. It's coming along. If you're a Leaf Author and you've not send us a biography (up to 500 words) or a photograph and would like so to do, please get in touch with us. Also feel free to get in touch with us if, in our confusion, we've put up an out-of-date biography for you, and we'll wallop the correct one into place forthwith. Or as soon as we have a moment.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Spoof and Humour Competition - Provisional Results

Happy New Year to you all. We're highly pleased to announce the provisional winners of our 2007 Micro-Fiction Competition. They’re provisional because some of them have yet to get in touch with us after our informing them of their jolly good fortune – not because we’re fickle and might go ‘pah’ and change our minds at any given moment. If you’re one of the authors named below and this comes as a delightful surprise, do check your inbox and get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Many thanks.


‘Note Bene’ by Gearalt MacAodha


‘Letter from a Lotus Eater’ by Gearalt MacAodha

‘The Jedi Guide to Clubbing’ by Ben Langley

‘Horoscopes’ by Robert Wilton

‘Dead Duck’ by Robert Wilton

‘Diary of a Data Entry Clerk’ by Tracey A Gilbert

‘USA Holiday Solutions’ by Sally Wild

‘No Relative Values’ by India Farquharson-Smithers

‘Nanny Knows Best’ by Vicki Jarrett

‘Out and About With Julian’ by Vicki Jarrett

‘Hyperbolitics’ by Nigel Macarthur

‘Letters Page’ by Nigel Macarthur

‘Corrections and Clarifications’ by Sally Quilford

‘Local News’ by Kevin Wilson


Congratulations to the above and our thanks to all who entered. The anthology, to be named The Someday Supplement, will go into production very shortly – it will feature all of the above (or at least all of the above who are happy to be featured) with additional material from the Leaf Team. We shall keep you up to date on its progress.
